

Back from a short stint in Germany. City I lived in was sort of a mountain biking mecca. The World Cup Championship series came through the first weekend I was there. It rained like hell and I stayed off the mountain but snapped some shots at the finish.
With my meager German, the info I got was that it was a 99 kilometer course with only two classes. 

Went to Austria and climbed in the Alps the next weekend.
Two hours in to a 12 hour hike up and down stopped at a hutte for fuel--beer--and spotted this woodland animal (possibly left over from the SS breeding program)...
...quickened my pace and continued on.
And on.
The summit was a few thousand meters.
I had packed a couple Lowenbrau's and some stag sausage, so I was happy. Good stuff.

The rest of the trip is history and will only be shared around midnight campfires or closed-door build sessions.


Christian Stitz said...

I'm ready for some stories.

Ben Schwab said...

Nice pics. I'm ready to hear the stories, too.

Strunk said...

I am ready for the stories too, by your grin in that picture it is bound to be a good one. That place looks amazing. I am so ready for a trip!
Probably won't have time to make it to Germany or Austria this year, how about the lake house?

JP said...

Good idea, Jess.