

I'm not even sure if quizzical is a word, but I couldn't think of anything else. I've been meaning to post this for some time now, but forgot about it. At the end of last season, around November, I had a really weird flat-tire experience. After coming back from a lengthy MTB ride, I noticed prior to loading my bike up, I had a slow-leaking flat. I went about checking the tube and tire for debris, etc. After thoroughly inspecting the tube and tire, I didn't find anything. So, I decided to just switch out the old tube for a new one and patch the old one when I got home. After swapping out the tubes, I began inflating the new one when *POP* the new tube just blew. The above pic is what it looked like. Anyone have a clue as to what the deal was?


Christian Stitz said...

I'm guessing the shard of glass under the tube on the left side.

Davey B said...

you either pinched the tube between the tire and rim or there was a tear in the tire