
Image Chronology

Feel like the blog's been neglected a bit, so I'm gonna follow Stitz' lead (although I haven't had the pleasure of ridin') and post some general pics. All photos are from my phone, so please excuse the poor quality.

Christmas eve eve with the Stitz' (prior to the hardcore partying.)

Bear enjoying the weather in my yard and a pic from a sunrise at the College.

Little Mexican bakery in downtown SA (good stuff and open 24/7.)

Home on the range.

My rig and respective parts at winter stage one--cleaning.

And this last is in front of my place last night. While I was walking Bear last night, there was a small domestic dispute involving 8 or so 20-year-olds on my street. A couple guys aparently got stabbed right next to my truck (hence, if you can make out the pic, my vehicle surrounded by police tape.) After chatting with the cops, also found out there had been a rape and a shooting the day before a couple blocks away. Coincidental exceptions to the norm for my neighborhood I believe.


Christian Stitz said...

Another day in the Carlisle hood. Your bike bits look shiny. Nice work.

Ben Schwab said...

Funny, didn't seem that sketchy when I visited. Nice work on the polish.