
Tall Oak Challenge Report


Seagal Writeup

Some Pics

Short and sweet.

Last weekend Jess and I headed down to Jeff City, she to kayak, me to ride. Made it to Binder Lake around 10:45 AM. Race started at noon. Lake looked beautiful, about a fourth the size of Council. Part of me was jealous that she got to head out on the boat, I'd love to go with her, the rest of me was preparing for the next six hours. Got the boat down, registered, tent set up next to the Seagal boys, food and drink ready, bike ready, changed, racer meeting, GO. That's what it felt like, as I was a bit pressed for time.

I'd never ridden Binder so had no idea what to expect. Lap one was typical for a first lap. They always seem to go by so quick due to the congestion and excitement. The course was twisty and fun.

Laps just kind of slid by, 7 or 8 miles a piece. It was awesome to have Jessie there at the tent. I loved seeing her there reading, relaxing, hanging out. When I'd come in to pit she'd be there with a big smile getting me anything I needed and asking how everything was going. Looking forward to all that made it easier to spin each lap. Rode a lap with Casey Ryback again, we always seem to run in to one another and talk a lap away, it's great.

Around 4:30 PM my right leg cramped a bit. That was weird as that really never happens to me. I backed off and danced just below the line of reoccurence to finish up that lap. At the tent, I had a banana and a GU, hoping to fend off any more cramps. Worked fairly well, aided by me holding back a bit. I could tell if I pushed it the cramps would fire right back up.

Came in from my eighth lap at 5:58 PM or so. Could do another lap, but wasn't overly excited about it. I asked the scorers where I stood, they said seventh. They said if I went out again I'd have to catch the guy who went out fifteen minutes ago if I wanted to move up. Not possible. I said thanks, I'm done. Went to the tent and sat down, Jess handed me the lone Bell's Porter that I had brought. Yum. Grabbed two free hot dogs and a free cheeseburger. Double Yum.

We packed and watched as they gave out awards and did the raffle, and by the time they were done, we were out.

Red Wheel Bike Shop did a great job with this event. It was very well run, tons of raffle stuff, schwag, and free food.

Looked at the results and I finished eighth out of forty. Could've moved in to seventh if I went out again but who cares. I had a great time and am very pleased with the outcome.


JP said...


Casey Ryback said...

Killer ride, dude! good to put in a lap with ya, helps take the mind off the sweet, sweet pain. I'll trade you forks...