
Brown Derby beer choices

How do. Zac's gonna be gentlemanly enough to bring a keg from Springtown for the October lakehouse weekend, and oh yeah, it'll be from Brown Derby. Ahh, nostalgia. We need some suggestions. BD management said they can get almost anything available around the midwest, including micro brews and imports. So please post some suggestions. Please reply with any and all suggestions EXCEPT domestic light beers and anything a sorority girl would enjoy (unless you can come up with a good reason we should drink it.)


Ben Schwab said...
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Ben Schwab said...

Thanks for doing this Zach. We need a beer to enjoy and also drink a lot of; nothing too filling. Guinness would be great, but could be too much after an all-nighter. Maybe a good lager or pilsner. Blue Paddle by New Belgium, Harp or Stella Artois. Or we could just go with Mickey's.

Christian Stitz said...

"We need a beer to enjoy and also drink a lot of; nothing too filling."

I completely agree.

Can we get something from Bell's? I'm pretty sure the kegs are difficult to get hold of.

Consider Midwest locals Schlafly, Boulevard, Flat Branch, Ebbets?, Little Yeoman, O'Fallon, Trailhead, Springfield Brew?

JP said...

I'm gonna make a list of 5 (or Zac can make it) and then rank them and see what we can get in order. #1 is Yuengling Lager. Number 2 can be a Bell's. Which kind?

JP said...

Anybody like a "Rogue" we can put on the list (http://rogue.com/)?

Or maybe "Session Lager" cause of the name and all day drinkability (http://fullsailbrewing.com/)?

Bell's (http://bellsbeer.com/#)

Too bad we don't all live near each other. We could have some great tasting meetings.

Zac Beussink said...

Something that might influence our decision: there are 1024 ounces of beer in an 8 gal keg, which comes out to roughly 85 12-oz beers.
Bell's has some of my favorite brews, especially two-hearted ale.
An octoberfest-style beer might be fitting... something a little creamy/malty but not too heavy.
Price might also influence our choices.

Moby said...

Man, listen to you guys. I have no idea what you guys are talking about. Rogue, Bell, Little Yeoman. I'm just the little sorority girl that likes light beer.

Christian Stitz said...

Moby, what flavor Jolly Ranchers would you like with your Zima?

Never had any of the lighter stuff from Bell's. Maybe their Lager, Pale Ale, or Third Coast. My fave has been the Consecrator Doppelbock 8% ABV.

Christian Stitz said...

As far as keg size goes. The 8 gallon Zac referred to is a quarter barrel or "pony keg". Shouldn't we go for the standard "half barrel" 15.5 gallons? (Imports are 13.2 gallons) Pours around 165 12 oz beers. That's still only 20 beers a piece.

Christian Stitz said...

Oh yeah, as long as you can haul it Zac. If not, we just bring reserves.

Christian Stitz said...

This is the most comments we've had yet for a post. Beer.

Ben Schwab said...

Sorry- that first deleted comment was from me, I accidentally deleted it and couldn't figure out what else to do. Anyways, I'm not against an ale- but hate how some of them make my mouth feel like mothballs at the end of the night. Another idea is to get two pony kegs of different beer. Ah- I'm thirsty just thinking about all of this.

Christian Stitz said...

I hear ya on the mothball mouth thing, happens sometimes. Two ponys would work also, just a bit of planning needed to keep the "on deck" one cold.

Moby said...

I'll take a grape jolly rancher to start with then when I really start to get crazy I might mix some lemon and strawberry together. We should call Zima and see if they have a keg.

Christian Stitz said...

Oh no! Don't you know what happens when you mix lemon and strawberry?!?!

Zac Beussink said...

I can haul whatever we need, no problem. I like JP's idea of five top choices, OR we could try to narrow down our selections to two styles of beer (like a lager and a stout), and if we can agree on a style, we can negotiate over the brand/flavor.

Also, I just spent some time on Bell's website, and it appears they only produce bottles and 15.5 gal kegs... which kinda sucks for our purposes.

My picks:
I like the idea of an octoberfest style (because I think it's well matched for the season), and a stout... I used to think they were too rich for all-day drinking, but they're only around 6% ABV (excluding Bell's expedition stout) and are suprising low in calories... which is good news for guys who like pussy beer. And, they come in coffee varieties for all-night enjoyment!

JP said...

Good postage. We're gonna have to ask about the pony's cause I'm not sure we'd get the same amount of options. But I'm down with that cause there will be a completely empty "beer" fridge in the basement to store one or possibly both pony's. I like the idea of two kinds of beers. I'm thinking a pilsner/lager (which would be lighter) and then an oktoberfest/stout (which would be heavier). Put in your votes for two kinds and we'll start counting votes and then I'll put in a call for availability (we'll worry about cost later).
My votes: Sierra Nevada Summerfest and Blue Moon Pumpkin Ale

Christian Stitz said...

A Lager and Schlafly Coffee Stout

Moby said...

It really doesn't matter to me. Whatever you guys pick, I'll drink.

JP said...

I love it, Moby. I'm with ya. I wish the Senate Minority Whip had the same attitude.

Ben Schwab said...

1. Lager
2. Stout or Porter

Zac Beussink said...

Okay, I am officially establishing Schlafly's Coffee Stout as one of the selections (holy shit, I can't wait). I'll ask about the Sierra Nevada Summerfest for our easy-drinking variety pick and I'll report back. Be thinking of some lager-ish beers as second choices, just in case.

JP said...

Red Stripe.

Zac Beussink said...

Alright, Fella. I've got some bad news about the beer. Schlafy's isn't scheduled to brew the coffee stout until Oct 24, so we're out of luck there. Also, it turns out that the boys at Brown Derby suffer from some genetic deficiencies and were confused about the beer they can get. The bottom line is that we can get Sam Adam's products, New Belgium products, and Blue Moon in 6-8gal kegs. Or we can increase our selection a bit if we get one flavor in a 16 gallon keg. Sam Adams has a boston lager that is supposed to be pretty good, and I think that Fat Tire is an excellent brew. What do you all think?

Christian Stitz said...

Not suprised about the Coffee Stout. I knew they brewed it seasonally and I haven't seen it on shelves yet. Damn I'm excited though. Me likey. So, no Schlafly? Their Oatmeal Stout is tasty also. I really enjoy Blue Moon and Fat Tire. It all sounds good.

Ben Schwab said...

I've had the Sam Adams Boston Lager and it is pretty good. Bummer about the Stout. I really like the Oatmeal Stout idea. That has been my new recent favorite. So, are you saying that if we get one full keg; then our selection of brews becomes greater? Quite a debacle for sure! I like Fat Tire still. It is a well balanced Ale. I'll still drink whatever, it doesn't matter too much to me.

JP said...

Damnit Derby. How about two 8 galloners of Blue Moon and Sammy Adams Oktoberfest. Yeah or nay?

Zac Beussink said...

I only checked on Schlafly's coffee stout, I should check on their outmeal stout, 'cause I'm with Ben, I'm into stouts. There's a chance kegs are available directly from the brewery, which means one of the St Louis boys might be able to pick it up. Also, I had some S.A. octoberfest this weekend and I like it a lot, but I don't know if I can drink 10-12 pints of it... it has a sweet, carmely aftertaste. Anyway, whatever's clever.

Zac Beussink said...

Just checked the Schlafly's website, and it appears that we can get any of the regular brews (one of which is the outmeal stout @ 5.7% ABV) in two different keg sizes: 13.2 and 5.6 gal. And it appears these are available directly from the taproom.

Christian Stitz said...

Sorry guys, trying to be a team player and everything, but there's no way that I can take care of the keg also.

First of all, I can't fit it in the CR-V with Ben, Jeremy, and I and all of our stuff. Keeven plans on driving down at the same time, and he could probably help, but his business is very difficult to plan around. It is always possible that he'll have to work, after all, he runs a large farm.

Besides that, I'll be out of town the previous week and will only have a few days to get situated. Between getting the jerseys/kits organized, getting myself packed, coordinating two airport pickups, team registration, and preparing a spare bike, I don't really anticipate having the time to make the hour and a half drive to pick up a keg.

Ben Schwab said...

Quit your whining, Stitz. Just kidding. Zach, do whatever makes the most sense and is the easiest. I don't think it needs to become an ordeal, we'll all still drink whatever you get. And if someone is too much of a Susan to drink what you get, they can get their own. I vote for the Oatmeal Stout and some sort of Lager.

Zac Beussink said...

Word. You'll drink what I deliver... and like it! I'll handle logistics of the beer. JP has the final word since I believe he's footing the bill... for which I am profoundly grateful.
But, everyone else should be prepared to chip in on grub and I suppose we need to do some meal planning, if anyone is interested in voicing preferences. What about pre and during-race food?

Ben Schwab said...

Shit, all I'm bringing is some beefjerky, chaw and a couple gu's.

Christian Stitz said...

Thanks for spearheading. I'll drink anything. Every suggestion mentioned sounds good.

As far as food goes, I'll be fending for myself pre/during race time. For the rest of the weekend I'm open for anything and everything, and more than willing to pitch in money and cook.


JP said...

I'm good with whatever beer as well. Just want something better than frat beer (Zac, we can have a chat about it if you want). I second Stitz' race day food comment. I'll have to pick some stuff up for Friday night, so I'll be up for grabbing dinner fixin's for whoever for Friday. Just let me know. And then maybe we can make a grill food run early Sunday and do it up Sunday day and night to help us drain the keggage. Almost down to two weeks, fellas. Rah!

Ben Schwab said...

I don't know...maybe Stitz can get a second job blogging, since he does so much of it and he can buy us some Yeungling.

Christian Stitz said...

Chris - 38 posts in five months

Ben - 40 posts in one month

Ben, maybe you could get a second job as a statistician so you could buy yourself a bike box and a taxi ride.

Zac Beussink said...

Snap! ...oh, the excitement is really mounting now...

Beer situation in under control. Food plan is individual (prerace) and flexible (postrace).

No worries.

Ben Schwab said...

You might want to get a second job as a fact-checker, because my 40 posts were actually for a grant/job. I see how it is though- I don't need your bike or ride. I'll just ride my own bike all the way from Albany and still kick your ass in Burnin'. Now the race is on- your team is going down.

Christian Stitz said...

Are you implying that something I said wasn't a fact? If so, what part? You agree with the 40 posts in a month, correct?

My 38 posts are for a passion/hobby. Is that less important?

Do you need a team to cover up the fact that my lap times will crush yours?

Moby said...

both of you guys need to get your panties out of a bunch, and chill out.

JP said...

First off. No complaining about too much posting on this blog. There should be more, not less. Second, we need to settle this like men with a Mexican shoot off. I'll bring the tequila, you guys eat the worm.

Ben Schwab said...

Of course, I was kidding around. Dry sarcasm anyone? I love the posts and find it a real treat to get emails as posts. I'm just jealous of the time that I never seem to have to devote to biking. And wanted to ignite some MTB Team rivalry! Although I know that I will get my arse handed to me for sure.

JP said...

I'm up for a little team vs. team wager.

And speaking of teams. Where's Dave?

Dave said...


Dave said...

Anyone like Shakespeare's pizza? Perhaps I could pick up some of those. Not sure how they'll travel though. And they probably wouldn't get eaten until after the race. I myself will eat pizza thats been sitting open on the counter for two days, but I can't speak for anyone else. As far as beer goes, you guys got the right ideas.

Dave said...
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JP said...

Good to hear from you, Dave.

JP said...

Apparently Zac got a hold of the right Brown Derby guy and he's working on an order of 6 gallon kegs (5.6/8 exactly). Should be good brew too.